Thursday, September 20, 2007

African Colberican: Stephen Colbert's First Black Friend

Below is an excerpt from Jackie Burnett's upcoming book, "African Colberican: My Life as Stephen Colbert's First Black Friend":

"Stephen Colbert has believed himself to be a victim of a left-wing conspiracy since his High School days. Back in his junior year of High School, Stephen received a ticket for attempting to make a left turn at a red light. Since that day, Stephen has been a staunch opponent of the left. With his recent Emmy loss, Stephen Colbert will continue to make himself the victim of a left-wing conspiracy. As his childhood friend, I am sure he will claim liberal Hollywood just wanted to rub salt in his anti-leftist wounds by awarding Tony "I left my Heart in Nancy Pelosi's Leftist San Francisco" Bennett with an Emmy that he was supposed to win. Yes, Colbert knows how to hold a grudge, but I have a hunch that he'll be the big winner at next month's Colbemmy Awards Show. "

Jackie Burnett has known Stephen Colbert since their childhood days in South Carolina. Jackie became Stephen's first black friend when they were cast in a school play together. In the play, 'A Bear who Dared to Care', Jackie played the role of a bear and Stephen played the role of a lamb, which obviously symbolized Jesus. His new book, 'African Colberican' will be released by Noah Lot More Publishing in Fall 2008. He still resides in Charleston, South Carolina.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliant. Glad to see Mr. Colbert breaking out of his roots towards self expression.

David Neubert (pronounced new-bear)